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  • Blacklist is a list of persons recognized as unfriendly towards the Provider.

  • DDoS is a distributed denial-of-service attack.

  • IP (Internet Protocol) is a routable network protocol; one of the network layer protocols of the TCP/IP family.

  • IP network is an IP address range.

  • Root access is the Customer's access to the server under the root superuser account used in Unix operating systems.

  • Account is a record containing the data which identifies the Customer when they access the system, the data used for authorization and record-keeping.

  • Uptime is the continuous run time of the server from the boot time until the moment the server stops. That can be due to a freeze, reboot, and shutdown of the server or the application being analyzed.

  • Billing system or Account or Billing account is an automated system that keeps records of the Services, their plans, and invoices. The Provider's billing system is located at

  • Verification is the identification of the Customer when they contact the support or customer care departments via the ticket system. It can be necessary when performing potentially destructive actions with the server and/or the account, e.g. reinstalling the operating system, changing passwords or contact details, etc.

  • VPS/VDS (Virtual Private Server/Virtual Dedicated Server) is a type of hosting where a physical server is split into multiple so-called virtual private servers that are rented out to the Customer. VPS/VDS include the EVO-SSD, WHS, US-EVO-SSD, and RU-EVO-SSD plans.

  • Dedicated server is a type of hosting that allows the Customer to rent the entire physical server.

  • Domain is a text record on a DNS server that makes it possible to access required resources using routing.

  • Data Center is a specialized facility for servers or communication equipment that helps to connect to the internet. It is also understood as a third-party Company or Companies that provide their services to the Provider, except for those cases when the Customer uses a Data Center of the Provider.

  • Time limits are all time limits for the purposes of the Agreement, defined as per Moscow time. Business days are official workdays: Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday are non-working days. To identify the time of events, timestamps from the billing system are used.

  • Content is any informational materials of a resource.

  • Tariff line is a family of plans with the same characteristics (processor, RAM, and HDD type). Plans within lines differ only in the amount of resources. E.g. there is the EVO-SSD line that includes the EVO-4-SSD, EVO-6-SSD, and EVO-8-SSD plans.

  • Current account or Billing account is the internal account of the billing system which shows the amount of money in chargeable units that the Customer deposited by topping up their account. Money from the Customer's current/billing account can be used to pay for Services.

  • Operating System (OS) is a software system that includes processing and control programs, which acts as an interface between the devices of the computer and application programs as well as controls devices and computational processes, allocates resources between these processes, and provides for reliable computations.

  • Accounting period is the calendar month, the period between the first and the last day of the month.

  • Control panel is software for the remote administration of a server with the help of a browser.

  • Rental period is the number of calendar months, for the duration of which the Customer orders and pays for the Services. The minimum rental period is one calendar month.

  • Software is a set of programs within the information processing system and program documents necessary for running these programs.

  • Chargeable unit is a billing unit. The exchange rate of chargeable units to ruble is defined by the Provider and published on the Provider's website.

  • Accounting period is 30 (thirty) calendar days after the activation of a Service.

  • Provider's Website is informational resources that belong to the Provider and that can be accessed via the internet. The Provider's website is located at the following address:

  • Server is hardware that is dedicated or designed for running service software.

  • Network/port scan is the enumeration of many hosts from the same subnet or different subnets, the purpose of which is to find accessible devices and to connect to one or several of their ports.

  • Ticket system is the communication system between the Provider and the Customer which is implemented using the Provider's billing system.

  • Ticket is a written request as well as a message history of the Customer and Provider in the billing system.

  • Traffic is the amount of information transferred over the network during a given period.

  • Service is a service provided or a job performed by the Provider under the terms of the Agreement.

  • Host/node is a platform where some virtual machines (VPSs or VDSs) are located.