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Switching a VPS plan within a tariff line

What does it mean to change the plan?

You can either upgrade or downgrade your server's plan (within a tariff line). For example, you can switch from EVO-1.1-SSD to EVO-12.1-SSD.

When you change your plan within a tariff line, you upgrade or downgrade your server's configuration.

How to upgrade the plan?

You can upgrade your plan with just one click: open the My Services section -> VPS Servers -> open the server's card by clicking the plan name -> choose the Management tab -> click on the Change Plan button.

The invoice will be issued automatically. It will include the difference between the fees for the new and old plans. The payment period will remain the same. Once the invoice is paid, the server's resources will be extended automatically.

No adjustments are needed. Your IP address will stay the same.

How to downgrade the plan?

Only a specialist from the customer care department can downgrade the plan upon your request. You will have to submit a ticket.

Please ensure that the new configuration will suit you, especially the disk capacity.

After you submit a ticket, our specialists will issue an invoice. Since the new plan is cheaper, the invoice price will be zero or contain a fee difference. This difference will be refunded to your billing account. Your server's configuration will be downgraded automatically.

No adjustments are needed. Your IP address will stay the same.