Timezone setup
The default timezone for servers is UTC 00.00. You can change this setting to the one you need in My Account
-> Settings
The new value will be set only when the operating system is newly installed on the server. Also, this setting cannot be applied when installing Windows OS on a dedicated server.
To change the time zone on an existing installation:
- On Linux, use the command from root in the server console:
timedatectl set-timezone VALUE
To view a list of zones, use the command:
timedatectl list-timezones
Services such as MySQL or a web server may need to be restarted to apply the changes. You may also need to change the time zone in the settings of some applications such as PHP - if you have Control Panel installed on your server, you can do this through Control Panel.
- In Windows, go to
and select the desired value in theTime zone
You can also contact Support via the ticket system for help with the setup.