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How do I get to know if one of the disks is out of order?

By default, we provide all the dedicated servers with a free-of-charge system to monitor the disks' operation. This software is supported by the most popular OS such as Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and Windows.

When the monitoring system detects some trouble with the disks, our specialists send you a corresponding ticket. You may check the disks yourself, or allow our specialists to do it. Once you provide them with the credentials, they examine the disks to decide whether to replace the defective one.

The defective disks are replaced for free. To get it done, you should submit a corresponding ticket. If there is no corresponding ticket, confirmation, verification, or consent, no server works can be done.


Please note that the monitoring system does not mean that the client is not responsible for the hardware state. According to the Agreement, once the server is allocated to the client, they are fully responsible for it. The company has no access to the clients' servers and assumes no liabilities on its monitoring.