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Creating an FTP account

An FTP account allows you to access the server to upload or download files and directories.

This article describes how to create an FTP account in two control panels that FastVPS servers use. If you have ordered a server without a control panel, we recommend that you install one. A control panel considerably simplifies server administration.


In this panel, there is a dedicated menu for creating and managing FTP accounts:

When a new website is created in FASTPANEL, an FTP account is created as well.


In this panel, there is a dedicated menu for creating and managing FTP accounts:


If the server uses the BitrixVM panel, you can access the server's files via the SCP or SFTP protocol as the bitrix user. You can use Filezilla, for example.

  • Protocol: SFTP
  • IP: IP address of your server
  • Port: 22
  • Login: bitrix
  • Password: bitrix's password

No panel

If there is no control panel on the server, you can access the server's files via the SCP or SFTP protocol as the root user. You can use Filezilla, for example.

  • Protocol: SFTP
  • IP: IP address of your server
  • Port: 22
  • Login: root
  • Password: root's password